The Future of the California Lawn

The Future of the California Lawn

Paloma Avila is Program and Development Manager at Arlington Garden Pasadena and co-host of Beyond Freeways.  According to the University of California Cooperative Extension, landscape irrigation accounts for about 50% of annual residential water consumption...
A Climate Change Garden

A Climate Change Garden

Andrew Jewell, Communications and Volunteer Manager It is now widely appreciated that the global climate is irreversibly changed and will continue to change in our lifetimes. The magnitude of the change depends on what human beings can accomplish in the years ahead....
Why a tree survey?

Why a tree survey?

by William Hallstrom (Arlington Garden volunteer) For the past few months, most of the volunteer crew at Arlington Garden have spent at least some of their time wrapping the trunks of each of the garden’s trees with the kind of soft tape measure you might use for...

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