by Arlington Garden | Jan 25, 2022 | Features, Guest Letters, Wildlife
Pictured: Red-whiskered Bulbul at Arlington Garden. Credit: William Hallstrom. One of the most frequently seen non-native bird in Arlington Garden and surrounding areas is the Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus). This berry-eating bird, originally native to...
by Arlington Garden | Oct 14, 2021 | Features, Guest Letters, Wildlife
Northern Mockingbird, image courtesy of William Hallstrom. Bob Gorcik volunteers at Arlington Garden. He has been a birder since he was in middle school. As an undergraduate in college, he was a wildlife research assistant, which allowed him to study birds up close....
by Arlington Garden | Apr 20, 2021 | Wildlife
Image credit VJAnderson, adult male Bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus) Bob Gorcik volunteers in Arlington Garden when his work schedule allows him to do so and has been a birder since he was in middle school. As an undergraduate, he had multiple opportunities to as a...
by Arlington Garden | Feb 27, 2021 | Wildlife
image from Michelle Matthews Bob Gorcik volunteers in Arlington Garden when his work schedule allows him to do so and has been a birder since he was in middle school. As an undergraduate, he had multiple opportunities to as a wildlife research assistant, where he got...
by Arlington Garden | Feb 10, 2021 | Art, Friends of Arlington, Wildlife
Michelle Matthews: In a new occasional interview feature, we talk with friends of Arlington Garden about their passions. I first met Roberto Gabriel in July of 2017 when I started as Executive Director of Arlington Garden. I spoke with him on his way to work, and this...
by Arlington Garden | Aug 15, 2020 | Art, Earth Share, Wildlife
Melissodes sp. on the photographer’s finger, photo courtesy of Krystle Hickman In partnership with LA Nature for All, Earth Share is a series of conversations on IGTV with the goal of sharing knowledge and inspiration with organizations and individuals caring...
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